
Are you interested in Amateur Radio? Radio Amateurs Canada (RAC) has a page dedicated to learning more about this hobby. Check out this page. We also offer a highly recommended training course.

NARA Amateur Radio Training Course

The Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association offers an amateur radio training course to the public. The course aims to teach all of the necessary operating regulations and technical knowledge necessary to obtain an Industry Canada issued Amateur Radio Certificate. Included in the course is a new copy of Coax Publications Basic Amateur Training book, access to online training, and NARA Membership for 2022-2023. The course provides accredited examiner, David Evans VA7DXX and to complete the process during the course. Please contact NARA at for info and upcoming courses.

Course Particulars

Class Registration Date:

Basic Amateur Radio Licence Class

Fall Class Start Date:
Class End Date:

Advance Amateur Radio Licence Class

Spring Class Start Date:
Class End Date:

Each class:

Cost: About $120 (Depends on class size)
Includes: Training texts, all necessary materials, and Industry Canada certified examination


If you or anyone you know would like to take amateur radio training, please contact NARA at

Training Links

Industry Canada
To listen to the Basic Question bank.(Just questions and correct answers from the coax publications website.)
To listen to the Advanced Question bank.(Just questions and correct answers from the coax publications website.)